Internal communication has undergone a radical transformation in recent years, not only in terms of technology and channels but also in terms of the way it’s structured.
In the past, internal communication was top-down— senior leaders were in charge and all messages were sent from them to employees who had little to no input or feedback. Nowadays, however, companies are shifting their approach to a more collaborative bottom-up model.

In this article, we will take you on a journey from the old-fashioned top-down approach to the modern bottom-up approach to internal communication, show you why it happened, how it happened, and show you examples of companies that have successfully made the transition.
From Industrial to Informational: The Evolution of Internal Communication Styles
The traditional top-down approach to internal communication emerged in the industrial age as a means of controlling and managing production efficiently.
In simple manufacturing processes, this approach worked well, because it matched the nature and requirements of the process.
The tasks at hand did not require any creativity or autonomy from the workers; in actuality, due to the lack of education and training among the labor force, it was undesirable.
Following standardized procedures and routines that were designed by the management or engineers was the safest and most efficient way of producing goods.
However, as the business landscape has evolved over time from being dominated by manual labor toward becoming dominated by knowledge work and creative problem-solving, the top-down approach of internal communication has become far less effective.
The Drawbacks of the Top-Down Model
In simple manufacturing industries, both productivity and profitability were directly related to the number of hands on the production line, and hours worked.
But as the world gradually moved to a post-industrialized society, productivity and profitability became much more complexly intertwined with the way people are motivated and organized within a company.
And the top-down model of communication was simply not suitable for these new requirements.
It stifles creativity and autonomy, hinders collaboration and information sharing amongst teams and departments, and fails to empower employees as decision-makers.
Moreover, it does not allow for any kind of feedback or input from employees, which can be a major source of innovation and improvement.
In short, this traditional model of communication fails to foster an environment in which people are given the opportunity to develop, express their ideas and opinions, and take ownership of their work.
Unlocking the Potential of Bottom-Up Communication: Understanding Its Barriers and Rewards
We are now at the peak of the informational age. Never before were innovation and creativity as important in driving the success of an organization as it is now.
Therefore, the focus has shifted to empowering employees by giving them more freedom and responsibility in their daily tasks.
This is where bottom-up communication comes into play— it’s an internal communication approach that encourages collaboration, feedback, and participation from every level of the organization.
Rather than seeing employees as mere cogs in a machine, this approach seeks to give them an active role in shaping organizational culture and decision-making.
Employees are seen as important sources of ideas and innovation, and they are given the opportunity to voice their opinions and be heard by leadership.
The Benefits of a Bottom-Up Approach
As this shift has not been an abrupt one, but rather a gradual transition, there was ample time to assess the effects of this new approach on companies and their employees.
And there is plenty of research to suggest that bottom-up communication has:
Apart from raising employee engagement, bottom-up communication can also lead to an improvement in the quality of decision-making.
With more people having a say in how decisions are made, organizations have access to a wider range of perspectives and insights. This diversity of thought leads to better outcomes and improved problem-solving capabilities.
Combined with all the benefits we mentioned earlier, it's easy to see why empowering employees at every level can be such a powerful tool for organizational success.
The Barriers to Implementation
While the advantages of bottom-up communication are clear and have also been known for a while, implementing this approach hasn’t been as widespread and successful.
One of the main obstacles is reluctance of senior executives and managers to relinquish their authority and embrace an open-ended dialogue with employees.
In order to fully embrace this new way of communicating and make it work, everyone in the organization needs to be on board. This can be a challenge because it requires rethinking long-held beliefs about management and leadership.
Furthermore, communication technologies need to be updated or implemented to facilitate the flow of information between different departments and teams across the organization. An effective internal communication system is essential for this approach to work.
Tips for Successful Implementation
These are no small barriers, and in order for bottom-up communication to be successful, organizations must take active steps to overcome them.
Here are some tips to get you started:
1. Promote a culture of trust — Creating a culture of trust in the workplace is key to the successful implementation of bottom-up communication. Leaders must demonstrate that they value employee ideas and feedback, and be willing to listen to employees at all levels.
2. Invest in technology — Ensure that your organization has the tools and resources necessary for successful bottom-up communication. Collaboration tools, intranet platforms, and other communication technologies should be updated regularly to ensure the whole organization has access to the same information.
3. Foster collaboration — Encourage employees to share ideas and feedback with each other, not just with senior leadership. Incentivise employees to work together and collaborate on projects, so everyone can benefit from a range of different perspectives.
4. Offer training — Provide your teams with the tools and resources they need to be successful in implementing bottom-up communication. Training should focus on effective communication techniques, such as active listening, productive feedback, and conflict resolution.
5. Start small — Last, but certainly not least, is starting small. Overhalling your entire communication system can be a daunting, and often overwhelming process. Start small and introduce bottom-up communication in teams or departments at a time, or focus on specific areas, such as decision-making or feedback.
Examples of Successful Implementation
Sometimes it's enough to add just one initiative or new channel of communication to make a big difference.
Here are just some of the initiatives that have helped organizations successfully implement bottom-up communication:
1. Google
Google is well known for its people-first culture, but one of its most successful initiatives when it comes to empowering employees is the 20% rule.
This allows employees to dedicate up to 20% of their time to working on projects they’re passionate about, and feel could benefit the company in the long run.
It's an amazing way to not only get employees involved in the development of new ideas, but also to give them a chance to explore their passions and expand their skill base.
And it paid off quite well. Some of the products that resulted from this rule include Gmail, AdSense, and Google Talk.
2. Deloitte
Deloitte, the world's largest professional services firm, has implemented a variety of initiatives to create an open and collaborative work environment, one of them being the “Idea Forge” platform that allows employees to submit ideas for improvement.
This platform was launched in 2019 as part of Deloitte’s AI Forum, which aimed to showcase the latest innovations and best practices in artificial intelligence.
The Idea Forge platform enabled employees to share their challenges and solutions related to AI, and vote on the best ideas for further development.
The success of this initiative is evident from the number of ideas submitted — over 11,000 in its first year. This is a great example of how one small initiative can make a big difference.
3. Amazon
"Thinking outside of the box" is a mantra Amazon lives by — and in order to push their employees to think in new and innovative ways, they've regularly host hackathons and innovation days.
A hackathon is an event where teams of employees work together to create a prototype or a solution for a specific problem or challenge, usually within a limited time frame.
These events are a great way for employees to come up with creative solutions and ideas, while learning from and collaborating with their colleagues. Moreover, hackathons also build team morale, camaraderie, and ownership of projects — all of which contribute to the overall success of bottom-up communication initiatives.
An innovation day is an event where employees learn about Amazon’s approach to innovation, which starts with the customer and works backward from there and applies it to their own projects or ideas.
Both these initiatives provide a platform for employees to voice their ideas, and help contribute to the success of the organization.
4. Nationwide
In order to reinvigorate its sense of purpose, Nationwide launched the BIG Conversation strategy—a massive collaboration that invited 18,000 employees to share their ideas through TalkBack events and online surveys over five weeks.
Everyone was given the opportunity to contribute towards creating a fresher approach for Nationwide's marketing campaign––‘Building Society, Nationwide’. The result? A truly inspiring concept designed by those who know best: Nationwide's employees.
5. Honest Burgers
It's not just tech giants who are making waves with their bottom-up initiatives. Honest Burgers, a UK-based chain of restaurants, see restaurant workers as the most important client in the business and is putting them first in engagement.
As the company was growing rapidly, they felt that the culture their founder created, was being lost, and they wanted to recapture it.
So they introduced an employee engagement app to provide a platform for the company’s culture to continue growing. The idea is to create a bottom-up approach where staff can provide feedback, share ideas, and ask questions.
The app also provides an outlet for employees to learn about the company’s values as well as offers an opportunity for them to grow within their role.
This initiative has proven successful; morale has increased, it has created a stronger sense of purpose and engagement, and employees feel more connected to the company.
6. Zappos
A not-so-small approach to employee empowerment is creating a culture where employees have the freedom and ability to decide how they can best do their jobs.
Zappos, an online shoe and apparel store, has built a strong bottom-up culture through its "Holacracy" system which allows employees to manage their own work without the need of a traditional manager.
Employees have more autonomy and flexibility to work on projects that align with their passions and skills. The idea is to give employees the freedom to create, innovate and make decisions that best suit their job functions.
This bottom-up approach has seen improved team communication, increased motivation levels, and higher productivity among Zappos’ employees – all of which contribute to the company’s overall success.
7. Netflix
Netflix took a similar approach. The streaming service adopted a culture of freedom and responsibility, where employees have more autonomy and accountability to make decisions that benefit the company.
Netflix believes that when people are empowered to make decisions, they become more creative and innovative. This is why the company gives employees authority over their projects and encourages them to take risks.
The result? Employees feel trusted and respected, which has in turn motivated them to be productive and reach their full potential as individuals. Netflix is continuously striving to improve communication between employees and managers, which has led to a more inclusive and collaborative work environment.
In today's competitive business world, m-up communication initiatives are becoming increasingly important for companies of all sizes. But while bottom-up communication is a powerful tool, it’s important that organizations that adopt this approach balance it with some degree of top-down guidance and alignment.
Balance is Key
Both the Top-Down and the Bottom-Up approach have their respective advantages and disadvantages, and the key is to strike a balance between the two.
Depending on the situation, audience, and goal, organizations should decide which approach is more suitable for the task at hand. For example:
Top-down communication is useful for conveying the organization’s vision, mission, values, goals, policies, etc., as it ensures consistency and clarity across the organization. It also helps employees understand their roles and expectations, and align their actions with the organizational objectives.
Bottom-up communication is useful for gathering information from employees about their work processes, challenges, needs, suggestions, etc., as it enables them to share their insights and perspectives with the management. It also helps employees feel valued and empowered, and fosters a culture of innovation and improvement.
Another thing to consider is information overload. While more communication channels open up opportunities for improved collaboration and productivity, it’s necessary to ensure that information is shared responsibly. Too much communication can lead to confusion and distraction, so it’s important to set clear boundaries and expectations.
In Conclusion
Sometimes even slight adjustments in communication patterns can make a big difference, resulting in a more collaborative and productive work culture.
Organizations should take the time to assess their current communication strategies and decide which approach—top-down, bottom-up or both—is best suited for their needs.
Finding a balance between the two will not only help foster better relationships between employees and managers, but also lead to improved morale, productivity, and success.